Sweet, quirky, loveable Daisy is our largest mini and often reminds kids of Eeyore from Winnie the Pooh! She loves her forehead scratched, long walks to the mailbox, and sneaking bites of grass. She is used mostly for our older kids and is in training to start going off-property for visits. She is one of the calmest horses I’ve ever met and her gentle soul puts people at ease.
This 6 year old mini is another barn favorite! She is Trips best friend and they enjoy doing visits together. She loves getting bows and braids in her hair, being pampered with baths, and of course eating! Her belly shows just how much she loves her food! She has a soft spot for kids and truly loves the attention and hugs they give her. She has been to many places in Naples for visits, but her favorite
are those that involve our pediatric population!
We refer to this loveable mini as Mr. Trip. He is a favorite to many kids that come visit. He is an easy-going, dependable, slow and steady horse that shows kids how to be patient and calm. Mr. Trip is 11 years old and he loves getting finger painted. We think it’s because it feels like a massage! He enjoys noon-time naps, coming in the house to enjoy the air conditioner, and is the leader among the other horses.